Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This movie is very odd. It kind of creeps me out in a way because Nev is so trusting of people without meeting them. The whole thing seems like a scam to me, because of the songs being recordings. As well he never spoke to Abby before. Until he did on her birthday, and it sounded like a voice changer to me. I wonder if Megan is really a real person or if she is a fake person involved in the scam. Nev seems too trusting and gullable. Personally, I would never be as trusting as him especially in a situation like this. I wouldn't involve myself with someone or virtually date them. First of all thats extremely sketchy and in many cases the person is not who they seem to be or a completely different person at all. Even though the movie is very new, you'd think people would know that facebook is not the safest place to reveal yourself. I would be scared to be Nev in this situation because he practically revealed himself to Megan and with the scam you never know who he was really talking to on the phone on the internet. Photoshoping a naked picture is first off disgusting as well as creepy. If someone every did that, that I knew, I would think they were out of their mind and past the crazy point. So far this movie is very creepy in my opinion.

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